Ruby Wax

Ruby Wax and Frazzled Cafe

Inspired and founded by Ruby Wax following tours addressing wellbeing, Frazzled provides a place where people can talk about the overwhelming stresses of life. 

The model relied on a space sponsored by M&S for people to meet regularly and have conversations. However, Covid-19 put stop to the in person element with the face-to-face cafes moving online. This also presented a new opportunity for new sponsors.

What we did

In early 2020, Ruby Wax was invited to participate in an initiative by The Kindness Offensive in partnership with Coutts Bank to deliver random acts of kindness to people at homeless shelters in London. Joey was asked to represent The Prince’s Charity and to find opportunities to promote its work in response to the emerging Covid-19 pandemic.

Joey appeared alongside Ruby Wax to promote the links between each respective organisation. The partnership led to Ruby Wax’s appearing in social media to help raise awareness of Business in the Community’s National Business Response Network. It also provided a key opportunity for Frazzled Café’s mental well-being work to be promoted to the wider business community and resulted in unique corporate partnership discussions for Frazzled Café.


Ruth Wilmott Associates


Business Emergency Resilience Group