Global Good Awards

Following the launch of on 22 April 2021, World Earth Day, we are delighted to announce our partnership with the Global Good Awards.

The Global Good Awards - for people, planet + profit with a purpose - recognise and reward companies demonstrating sustainability and social impact initiatives.

In 2021, the Awards created a special new category in response to the pandemic. The Covid-19 Crisis Champions category recognises and celebrates organisations which have gone the extra mile in responding to the impact of the pandemic – whether on a local, national or global level.

This category will showcase outstanding examples of health care in a crisis and responses that have helped enable life and livelihoods to survive and thrive in immensely challenging times.

The Global Good Awards illustrate the best in humanity’s response to the crisis. They inspire others and show how people can come together in the face of adversity for the common good. is incredibly proud to be associated with the Global Good Awards as part of the judging panel that is assessing some pretty awesome and awe-inspiring nominations.

Social & Environmental Sustainability Awards | Global Good Awards UK




The Mullion Group